Wilfried Lentz Gallery is proud to host the Italian artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò (1979, Venice, lives and works in Amsterdam) for his first solo show with the gallery,
Scolpire il Tempo
The opening will be October 30th from 2 pm till 4 pm and the show runs through December 11th.
The gallery is open from Tuesday – Saturdays, 10 am – 5 pm and for this show the gallery will be experienced as an open space as if it is part of the direct environment. There is free access from the Stationsplein 45. For further information and visuals, please contact; office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459
Please note: Changed opening times for this show.
Specifically for this show, Calò produced a series of bronze sculptures made from deteriorated mooring poles found in the Laguna of Venice. Through time, the salt water and the tide has transformed these poles into rough and fantastic looking conical shapes. These shapes are used for his new series of sculptures.
For the gallery Calò has created a special environment where these sculptures can be experienced in a still atmosphere, reminiscent of their place of origin.
The artist grew up and spent his whole childhood in Venice with the Laguna being a kind of natural biotope for him but nowadays it is also a source of inspiration. The work of Calò can be placed in a long tradition of Italian artists whose main interest lies in the hidden poetics of quotidian situations and nature. He depicts the existential relationships that man has with his environment by orchestrating new rituals and making new relics about life, death and labour. He is interested in the cultural meaning of things, highlighting esoteric and magical aspects. These new rituals are formed through temporary performances often with the participation of the local public. Obsolete or empty buildings function as the scenic décor for an existential experience. But also raw materials like stone, gold, bronze and sometimes even ancient human remains, such as skulls and cheeks found in the Venetian islands, are all used to be formed into extraordinary sculptures.
Accompanying the show is the fifth issue in the new series of publications produced by the gallery.
The publication, #05, consists of a poster signed by the artist, in an edition of 250, along with a small booklet including texts by Mara Ambrožič and Marco Pasi and it will be available at the finissage December 11th.
The price of the publication is 10 Euros and can be ordered through us either by e-mail or at the following international book stores: Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam, Pro QM and Motto, Berlin. Previous issues in the series are also still available for ordering.
Last year Calò was part of the gallery’s group show ‘Not Created by a Human Hand’ where he made a new work referring to the Limpias relic. Recent exhibitions include the XIV Carrara Biennal, The Wight Biennal, in Los Angeles and a soloshow at the Fondazione Galleria Civica, Trento (IT). Some group shows he participated recently in are: Sindrome Italiana at Le Magasin, Grenoble (FR), Nocturnes at Museion, Bolzano (IT). He is the winner of the Premio Lum (Bari, IT).
At the moment he is an artist-in-residence at the Rijksakdemie where he will participate in the Open Studios at the end of November. The sculptures are realized with the kind support of Fonds BKVB.
Click here to download press release as pdf
Accompanying the show was gallery publication #05:

Scolpire il Tempo (2010) is the fifth issue of a series of publications published by Wilfried Lentz
Click here to download the booklet with a text by Marco Pasi
Click here to download the poster with a text by Mara Ambrožič

Scolpire il Tempo, 2010
3 bronze sculptures (Clessidra's) in an installation with water and wax dimensions variable
installation view Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam 2010

Scolpire il Tempo, 2010
3 bronze sculptures (Clessidra's) in an installation with water and wax dimensions variable
installation view Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam 2010

Scolpire il Tempo, 2010
3 bronze sculptures (Clessidra's) in an installation with water and wax dimensions variable
installation view Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam 2010

Scolpire il Tempo, 2010
3 bronze sculptures in an installation with water and wax (detail)
installation view Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
photo Yves Krol

Scolpire il Tempo, 2010
3 bronze sculptures (Clessidra's) in an installation with water and wax dimensions variable
installation view Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam 2010