Wilfried Lentz Gallery is proud to host the Austrian artist Josef Dabernig (1956, Kötschach-Mauthen, lives and works in Vienna) for his first solo show with the gallery,
On Discipline (Engels Raum)
The opening will be coming Saturday March 19th from 4 pm till 6 pm and runs through April 23rd 2011.
The gallery is open from Thursday – Saturday, 1 pm – 6 pm. Also during weekends there is free access from the Stationsplein 45. For further information and visuals, please contact; office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459. Thanks to Engels, Grandcafé.
The exhibition On Discipline (seen by the artist as an installation and titled: Engels Raum) will consist of a disciplinary environment, where three films are shown in a daylight situation, on monitors and screens, as part of a much bigger constellation comprised of used furniture. The carefully chosen furniture is a bit outdated, coming from course rooms and spaces for congress. The artist, who is also a sculptor, has dispersed this banal furniture and the screening devices throughout the gallery space, including even office furniture to be used by the gallerist. The whole installation functions as a sculptural construction treating real objects as sculptural elements, creating a stage set for conditioned movements of the human body and – through the filmic work – foremost an evocation of disciplinary exercises and experiences.
Dabernig’s most recent film excursus on fitness (2010) will be shown as well as two other recent works, Aquarena (2007, with Isabella Hollauf) and Parking (2003). All these films center around the idea of discipline. In the first two films this is worked out through empty artificial environments intended for exercise and sports. excursus on fitness seems less about physical achievements but rather more about isolated subjects mirrored in a certain existential frost while in Aquarena, the public baths, both in open air and used solely by one person is captioned by a text speaking about the extreme regulated measures for water treatment and hygiene in a town under the DDR-regime. The last film Parking forms a counter point in the show by enfolding an (un-)comfortable story where the subject of discipline permits an opening to being loaded with sexual connotations.
Of his graphic work an older piece Täglicher Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 – 22 09 1980 – a fastidious control of the artist’s cigarette consumption over an entire year – will also be reinstalled.
Accompanying the show is the sixth issue in the new series of publications published by the gallery. The publication, #6 On Discipline, consists of a poster, signed by the artist, in an edition of 250 along with a small booklet with a text by the philosopher Sjoerd van Tuinen. The text focuses on the subject of discipline with an historical overview of notions by philosophers such as Nietzsche, Foucault and Sloterdijk. The price of the publication is 10 Euros and can be ordered through us either by e-mail or at the following book stores: Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam, Pro QM and Motto, Berlin. The text can also be downloaded on our website for free.
Since 1996 Josef Dabernig has made films where the East European modernistic built environment is often the scenery for protagonists who exercise isolated tasks, and how systems of control are influencing human behavior. His films have been shown at international venues like the Manifesta 3, Venice Biennial and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Filmfestival paticipations include Locarno, Oberhausen, Rotterdam and Toronto. Solo exhibitions among others include: at MAK Vienna, where since a longer time the artist experimented in form of a sculptural narration, MNAC Bucharest, Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, BAK Utrecht and the Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius. In the last years Dabernig has been part of many groupshows, for example at the Mücsarnok Kunsthalle Budapest, Wiener Secession, Townhouse Gallery Cairo, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Moderna galerija Ljubljana and the Generali Foundation in Vienna.
The opening will take place on March 19th from 4 pm – 6 pm and the show is running through April 24th. The gallery is open Thursday – Saturdays from 1-6 pm and by appointment. For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery: office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459. Click here to download press release as pdf
Accompanying the show is the sixth issue in the new series of publications. The publication, #6 On Discipline, consists of a poster, signed by the artist, in an edition of 250 along with a small booklet with a text by the philosopher Sjoerd van Tuinen. The price of the publication is 10 Euros and can be bought at the gallery or ordered through us by e-mail. download text by Sjoerd van Tuinen

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

excursus on fitness, 2010
still from Digi Beta video, b&w, 12 min.

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
3 Films, re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980', different furniture with friendly support of Engels Grandcafé
845 x 660 x 285 cm
photo: Josef Dabernig

Parking, 2003
still image
16mm transferred onto DVD, b/w, sound, 6 min

Engels Raum, 2011
installation view at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
re-enscenering of the drawing 'täglichen Zigarettenkonsum 23 09 1979 bis 22 09 1980'
photo: Josef Dabernig