During the month May, Wilfried Lentz Gallery is showing a program centering on the use of recent historical music or sound, every week featuring a performance or film installation by a different artist. The openings for these shows will be on Saturdays at 8 pm.
The first show we will host is a performance by Nico Dockx (BE, 1974) and Carl Michael von Hausswolff (SE, 1956):
Ghost Transmissions
Both artists have exchanged their archival material on ghost transmissions with each other during the last five years. With the publics’ participation, Dockx and Von Hausswolff will produce new work with surround sound recordings and a photo session.
The performance will be on Saturday May 8th from 8 till 11 pm. Space to attend the performance is limited. Please send an email to the gallery before May 6th to make a reservation. It will not be possible to access this performance without a reservation. For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery: office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459.
The first show we will host is a performance by Nico Dockx (BE, 1974) and Carl Michael von Hausswolff (SE, 1956). Both artists have exchanged their archival material on ghost transmissions with each other during the last five years. Examples include: recordings of ghosts as part of the Friedrich J, Jürgenson archive, recordings of Nico from the Velvet Underground by Arto Lindsay in the Chelsea Hotel and also recordings made by Dockx in half-finished Bangkok skyscrapers. Von Hausswolff will also exhibit new material he made together with Michael Esposito (USA, 1964), voices that they recorded in an vicars house in Östersund(SE).
Some of this older material has been used in earlier art related events and, for this occasion, it is intended only as an introduction for the public into this specialist subject. After this introduction, the artists will use this evening to produce new work with the public. With the publics’ participation, Dockx and Von Hausswolff will produce surround sound recordings and a photo session, in the second half of the evening. These recordings will then be streamed to Chicago for Esposito to record in his studio. There will also be an online discussion between the audience, the artists and Esposito. Afterwards, the material will be analyzed and later used for #4 of our quartely gallery publication.