Wilfried Lentz Gallery is very proud to host Rubén Grilo’s (SP, 1981) first exhibition in The Netherlands, with his installation
The opening will take place on Sunday, March 25 from 4–6 pm and the show is running through April 14.
The gallery is open Thursday – Saturdays from 1-6 pm and by appointment. For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery: office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459.
Grilo’s show will be the second show in a series of three sequential shows this season, including three artists, whose work is informed by the 24/7 attention economy, with its excessive exuberance, self-exposure and extreme imagery.
Rubén Grilo will display a set of works that connect the ancient arousal for entertainment with social concerns of today, like the freedom of choice in modern democracies and the fate of the body in the digital age. The title of the exhibition refers to Louis Jules Duboscq’s primitive device for 3D cinema, but also to the use of moving image in fairground shows run by businessmen across England at the beginning of the 20th century. In this way Grilo is tracing the history of cinema alongside the history of mechanization and the consequent acceleration of life.
The central element of the exhibition is an installation titled Three Dee Crash Scope: Driven by Men featuring a couple of damaged car-seats acquired in a scrapyard, which display two iPads and two projectors successively linked to each other while playing different monochromatic PowerPoint slideshows, one in red and the other in cyan-blue. The projections from the beamers converge upon the surface of a dented car-hood and thus they produce a stereoscopic image.The stream of images from both channels show a litany of sentences recalling both political colors, left and right wing, animated with the appealing transitions inherent to PowerPoint and yet together the unsynchronized remains. As part of the installation, the windows of the gallery are turned into gigantic 3D-anaglyph eyeglasses, filtering the view of the exterior with red and cyan transparent foil.
The practice of Rubén Grilo spans the use of a wide range of media including formats like PowerPoint. The media itself and its interfaces become source material for his work. The necessary ‘protheses’ to operate these media, are included in his installations, which are all together making an evocation of the ‘human factor’ within a technological environment.
Recent shows by Grilo include: PowerPoint Karaoke, MARCO, Vigo, 2011; The Action of Things. CSS Bard, New York, 2011; The Benefit of Ignorance. EspaiZer01, Olot, 2010; Before Everything. CA2M, Mostoles, 2010; Situación, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, 2008.

Installationview Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam