Wilfried Lentz Gallery is proud to host artist Susanne Kriemann (DE, 1972) in our next exhibition, Untitled (Alphabet). The show consists of a series of 23 high-gloss prints presented in one large installation. Also on show is a unique artist book (One Book, 2009) that was produced as the result of a performance in Łódź with the philosopher, writer and curator Dieter Roelstraete.
The opening will take place on Saturday 21 November from 5:00 pm till 7:00 pm. and the show will close on December 17th. We would be very pleased if you could join us.
The gallery is open Thursday – Saturdays from 1-6 pm and by appointment. For further information and press images, please contact the gallery at office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 4126459.
The new work, Untitled (Alphabet), is the outcome of an extensive research for two recent exhibitions.
The first show, Aura (curated by Michiel van Iersel), was in Amsterdam at Castrum Peregrini, a former refuge for Jews in WWII. The 17th century canal building was left in the same state as it was just after the war and recently used as exhibition venue. Here, Kriemann found a privat space which housed forgotten objects that formed a world of their own. It contained a range of books (some with personal notations by Walter Benjamin, for example) and personal possessions, such as small paintings of enigmatic origins. The second exhibition, Anabasis: Rituals of Homecoming, was curated by Adam Budak at the Museum of Art Books in Łódź. Here, the artist found old printing technology and these machines were re-used for a performance during the opening.
Susanne Kriemann photographed the books in Amsterdam and the machines in Łódź with the best possible camera, operated by the most professional technical photographer known.
The artist isolated the 23 objects in the photographs by using a completely black background. The images of these objects become a new sort of typeface, each on their own forming a new alphabet. As Dr. Vanessa Joan Müller wrote on the occasion of the exhibition, Die Wörter Die Dinge (2007), at the Düsseldorf Kunstverein:“Die Fotografien von Susanne Kriemann richten ihren Fokus auf scheinbar beilläufige Szenen, die entweder mit Bedeutung aufgeladen sind oder aber suggerieren, eine solche zu besitzen. Sie zeigen eine Zone der Verunsicherung, in der Gegenstände oder architektonische Details von Kontexten zu sprechen scheinen, die der Fotografie selbst äußerlich bleiben und auch über den Titel nicht eingeholt werden.”
One Book
In Łódź, Kriemann incorporated one old printing machine to superimpose an immense typeface (forming the letters H, O , M and E) on the pages of the book ‘Vögel vor der Kamera’ (1961). Throughout the 200 pages of the book, an impressive palimpsest was created, infusing the original content with new meanings.
Kriemann has a deep interest in monuments and artifacts in which the symbolic meanings shift over the course of time. Her books depict this shift in meaning and document her photography at the same time. As part of her contribution to the Berlin Biennale 5, Kriemann produced the artist book, 12650 (publisher A Prior). Also, for an exhibition at GAMEC on the same subject, she produced the artist book, 12 650 000, in the style of ArtForum. Recently, a beautiful catalogue was published by ROMA-publications as an accompaniment to the exhibition, One Time One Million at SMBA, which is now on view at Uqbar in Berlin.
A solo-exhibition is scheduled for end of this year at the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (opening on December 11th). At the moment she is also part of several groupshows, for example at the Ursula Blickle Stiftung, the Temporäre Kunsthalle and the Berlinische Galerie in Berlin. The exhibition Untitled(Alphabet) runs until December 17th. The gallery is open Thursday – Saturday from 1-6 pm. For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery: office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31 (0)10 – 4126459.