We are very pleased to announce that the Danish/American artist Ulrik Heltoft will be featured in our next exhibition.
The show’s imaginative title, ‘Voyage autour de ma chambre’
is an intriguing short film based on the novel written by Xavier De Maistre in 1794.
Furthermore a selection of neo-surrealistic images that are based on the book ‘Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique’ by the writer Raymond Roussel (1928) can be seen by appointment in a specially made sideshow, which is located in close proximity to the Gallery. These are to see until the 22nd of November.
The opening will be Sunday 7th of September from 12:00 am till 7:00 pm.
Other Rotterdam based galleries will also have their opening that afternoon. Bikes can be rented at our gallery free of charge. Reservations: office@wilfriedlentz.com.
The gallery will be open as of Thursday 11th of September, and its opening times are: Thursday – Saturday 1:00 – 6:00 pm and by appointment.
For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery; office@wilfriedlentz.com or +31(0)10 – 4126459.
The intriguing short film by Ulrik Heltoft (DK), ‘Voyage autour de ma chambre’, is taken from the title of Xavier De Maistre’s 1794 novel.
De Maistre served under the Kingdom of the Sardinia Army when he was young, and while he was under arrest at Turin in consequence of a duel, he wrote his novel, ‘Voyage autour de ma chambre’. Imprisoned in his room for seven weeks, De Maistre described the customs, furniture and engravings as if it were an imaginary journey to a strange land. He praised this voyage because it did not cost anything, and for this reason it was strongly recommended to the poor, infirm and lazy. His story can also be seen as a parody on the Grand Tour narratives of that time. Heltoft used this novel as a starting point for the extra-ordinary film that he ended up producing.
Heltoft often uses external instructions or highly imaginative stories as an important tool in producing new work. For example, since 2006 he has established an ongoing project, which is based on a book of poems by Raymond Roussel. In order to produce drawings for this book, Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique, 1928, a series of 59 instructions were given verbally by Roussel via a private detective bureau to the illustrator Henri A. Zo. Heltoft then recreates these drawing in a new interpretation. By treating the drawings as historical documents, with all their interpretive ambiguities, Heltoft re-enacts these early surrealistic mise en scenes within the context of photography and a new century.
A selection of these neo-surrealistic images can be seen by appointment in a specially made sideshow, which is located in close proximity to the Gallery.
Ulrik Heltoft had recently a soloshow at Galleria Raucci/Santamaria ‘Recurring sightings’ in Naples and a screening of his new videoproduction ‘The Sneeze’ at the New Museum New York. In November he will participate in the groupshow ‘Technically sweet’ at Overgaden in Copenhagen.
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