In Real Life, 2019
In Real Life is an experimental reality show that follows the lives of five gig-workers from around the world who rely on work they find through online platforms such as PeoplePerHour, Upwork and Fiverr. From scriptwriting to animation, the cast members have been hired to create In Real Life.
These ‘on demand’ workers face great risks and often unrealistic deadlines. Each episode follows their journeys as they take part in a transformational development programme. Laser directs the cast members through a series of challenges, with help from a tech-savvy life coach and a psychic advisor, who also work in the online gig economy. They film and record their experiences of using apps and devices intended to optimise their efficiency. Ultimately, the reality show guides them to scientifically manage their health and work productivity in pursuit of their independent goals.
Featuring: Alabi Adebayo Akintunde (nollygfx on Upwork), Zahid Iqbal (thelancersinc on Fiverr), Cardy O’Donnell (PeoplePerHour), Nikki (PeoplePerHour), Kiki Wong (K1wngg on Fiverr), Count Marco (Fiverr and PsychicMix) and Louise Papadopoullos (Mind Body Design).
Video Producer: David E. Guinan. Edited by: Laura Geisswiller. Trailer Editor / Assistant Editor: Jonathan Turton. Producer: Charlotte Horn. Written by: Liz Magic Laser, Cardy O’Donnell & Vanessa Thill. Whiteboard Animator: Alabi Adebayo Akintunde. Graphic Design: Zahid Iqbal. Voiceover Artist: Kiki Wong. Researcher: Vanessa Thill. Motion Graphics: Patrick Bate, Frostmotion, Graphicsplayer, David Guinan, Yoshi Sodeoka & Jonathan Turton. 3D Animation: David Guinan. Social Media Content Creator: Nikki. Sound Design and Sound Re-recording mixer: Tim Wagner. Additional Animations by: Yoshi Sodeoka. Special Thanks to Maneesh Sethi of Pavlok.
5-channel HD video with sound (50 minutes, looped); custom seating (dimensions variable).
Commissioned by FACT and Culture Liverpool as part of the Liverpool 2018 programme.
Click here to read the review in Art Forum.