Stijgbeeld 381, 1974
Stijgbeeld (Rising image), staples, report with pen on paper
50 x 30 cm
Stijgbeelden (Rising Images), 1972-1978
Hans de Vries explains in 1975 the production of the Stijgbeelden (Rising Images):
“……I crush the plant particles in a porcelain mortar and (or) grate them and squeeze the pulp through a cotton cloth, into a jar. Then I extract with a pipette 1ml. and put this in a small glass and add 1ml. distilled water. I stand the rolled up filter paper in this in the dark […] When all of this juice has risen, I let it dry and I let 4ml. of silver nitrate rise over it, for plant juice by itself is hardly visible, and as soon as this is dry I ‘fix’ it by allowing 5ml. ferro-sulphate to rise over it, otherwise they change colour as soon as I hold them to the light. Only if exposed to the light a long time, they yet change colour. That’s why I have John Stoel take colour photographs.”
The last part of an extensive description of the procedure of the production of the Rising Patterns in a handwritten text in Dutch for a flyer for the Gemeentemusuem Den Haag in 1975.
The whole (translated) text was included in the catalogue Da11 (Eleven Dutch Artist) accompanying the exhibition with the same title at The Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh, 1974. Click here to download a scan.
Stijgbeelden, 1975
series of 5 Stijgbeelden (Rising images), staples, report with pen on paper
each 50 x 30 cm
Untitled, 1975
Handwritten text about the Rising Patterns (Stijgbeelden) for a flyer accompanying a show at the Prenten kabinet of the Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, 1975
paper, 60 x 50 cm
30 x 21 cm, pen on paper
Stijgbeeld 436, 1975
Stijgbeeld (Rising image), staples, report with pen on paper
50 x 30 cm
Stijgbeeld 449, 1975 Stijgbeeld (Rising image), staples, report with pen on paper
50 x 30 cm