installation image at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
videostill , HD video, color and sound, 22′
six THRILLOCHROMES, trenchcoat on canvas each 80 x 80 cm
photo: John Bohnen
In a world where everything looks the same, it ain’t easy making monochromes…
What are the war cries of Neo-Formalism? Are there any? Or are its fighters and agents doggedly anti-dogmatic?
THRILLOCHROMES imagines a subterranean world where such overblown directives (Dismantle… ! Infiltrate… !) are the scores for a collection of trench-coated operatives in a series of abstract thriller films which lead to the creation of excruciatingly beige monochromes. The work consists of six monochromes and six corresponding short films playing on tropes of TV procedurals and espionage films.
The six short films, were shot in the WWII bunkers beneath Gare de l’Est. The series continues Portnoy’s recent interest in “improving”, in the manner of an engineer/futurologist, recent dead-ends of contemporary art making. In this case the metastasis of textural abstraction and quasi- monochromes.
Click here to download booklet with a text by Tirdad Zolghadr.
Click here to download poster with a text by Diane Bent.
Booklet and poster form the signed gallery publication #08 to be ordered for 10 EUR by an email to office@wilfriedlentz.com.

video, color and sound, 3:53 min
trenchcoat on canvas
80 x 80 cm

video, color and sound, 3:53 min
trenchcoat on canvas
80 x 80 cm

video, color and sound, 2:04 min
trenchcoat on canvas
80 x 80 cm

video, color and sound, 2:04 min
trenchcoat on canvas
80 x 80 cm

installation image at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
videostill , HD video, color and sound, 22'
six THRILLOCHROMES, trenchcoat on canvas each 80 x 80 cm
photo: John Bohnen

installation image at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
videostill , HD video, color and sound, 22'
six THRILLOCHROMES, trenchcoat on canvas each 80 x 80 cm
photo: John Bohnen